Lome, Togo. Please enjoy the glorious sight of that Ashake...đŸ€€ https://twitter.com/Abebab/status/1343225809503453184
Kpalime, Togo
Cascade de Wome, Togo
Cape coast, Ghana
Accra crafts market, Ghana.
The self-sustaining farm of Songhai, Porto-Novo.
Bonus 1: Nigeria International School, Cotonou. (Alma mater)
Bonus 2: I met this pup at an AirBnb in Accra. I later found out that is a PsyOp agent sent to distract me from a deep conversation about what we're demanding in Africa. Regrettably, I succumbed to the onslaught of cuteness. 😭
Found these edibles on the streets of Accra, and I'll never understand why, chale. Why!? I was deeply scarred.
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