Jaap van Dissel, Infectious Diseases director at the
@rivm (Dutch NIH/CDC), stated yesterday that the high number of COVID-19 infections in nursing homes might have been caused by staff education level.
What a horrible thing to say.
This same person, the Dutch equivalent of Dr. Fauci, said several times that masks did not help.
Nursing homes did not get enough masks and RIVM guidelines stated that their staff did not need to wear masks if they entered COVID-19 patients' rooms for just a short time.
Until September, nursing home staff who needed to give patients some medication, or fluff their pillows, or just spend a 5 min chat with them, were not supposed to wear protective gear. Not surprisingly, number of infections in those homes among patients and staff was high.
And now, instead of reflecting on the decisions that the @RIVM and the government took under his leadership, he blames others. He blames the education level of nurses and other staff. That they are not smart enough to think. While they followed HIS guidelines.
Before December, the @RIVM repeatedly tweeted that people who are not sick cannot spread the disease, that masks are not needed, and that washing your hands and keeping 1.5 m (5 feet) apart is enough.
And this is how the Netherlands is doing now.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/world/coronavirus-maps.html
The Netherlands also will be the very last EU country to start coronavirus vaccinations, not until January 8.
Because the computer systems and call centers are "not ready yet".
I am very disappointed by the bad decisions and lack of leadership by the Dutch government and @RIVM (where I did my PhD and that I used to admire a lot). They could have saved many cases and deaths by better leadership.
And it is especially appalling that Jaap Van Dissel is now blaming nursing home staff for the high number of COVID-19 cases, while nurses worked so hard, with limited access to PPE and with bad guidelines (based on frugality instead of science). He should resign.
But no, @MaastrichtU has decided to give Jaap van Dissel an honorary doctorate. To a scientist who repeatedly advised the government that masks would not help, and that we all should wash our hands to prevent COVID-19. https://twitter.com/MaastrichtU/status/1339593798519644161
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