Hey: Is Diana Prince rich? Does she need that job at the Smithsonian? If so, then why is she never doing it? It’s like she swans in whenever she wants and then breezes out. And if not, why is she living in a modest 1BR in DC, and not a fucking rich-lady mansion? #WW84
Also, that Washington DC should’ve been rife with brown people and riddled with plenty of non-mall based crime, given that it was crack city in the 80s? Like, is she a crime-fighting superhero or not? DC had PLENTY of actual crime to fight. And Hamsterdam is RIGHT THERE.
Or does she only fight antiquity-related crime? Is she a special agent for the Smithsonian? Like Indiana Jones? AND THEY BOTH HAVE ROPE-CENTRIC HIP WEAPONS!
Just some idle #WW84 thoughts that didn’t fit into my #FatmanBeyond review/rewrite.
Listen, I might joke about it, but the decision to place WW84 in real-world DC—when Marion Berry was mayor and crack and crime was everywhere, and then have WonderKaren do absolutely nothing about it—and not, say, Metropolis or Star City or whatever, is boggling.
And there’s a reason why one of DC’s nicknames is Chocolate City, and it’s not because of a Hershey’s factory. It’s because of all the Black people. None of which are visible anywhere on screen in #WW84 . If you’re gonna be about representation, BE ABOUT IT.
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