Things I’m doing this year to help my seasonal/quarantine depression. A thread:
First off, I’d like to say that these are a few things that work for ME when shit starts feeling dark. Take what you want out of it + add what you do! I’m still trying to find more things 🌞
Making your room/any room into your own personalized escape is the most important. I haven’t been feeling the best and I find surrounding myself with not only things I love, but things that remind me of summer is most helpful.
I turned my thermostat up to +25 and got this little diffuser to make the room smell good AND to make the air quality less dry. My skin is living for this shit right now. It also changes colour and anything with different colour settings is perfect to have around. Helps moodz.
I have a lot of summer scents. Sprays that smell like the idea of the sun. Slightly sunscreen scented, citrous smells.. floral smells. In The Sun and Golden Sunflower from Bath and Body Works is my current favourite.
I hate to be annoying but TONS. OF. WATER. I’m taking my own advice here too.) I was sick the last few days because my water intake was extremely low. We forget to consume the proper amount of water during cooler seasons because we want to stay warm! 💧
I think there are helpful apps out there to remind you to drink a glass of water every few hours. I may need to look into one.
Hollywood vanity lights are wicked. My bf got me this for Christmas. It has 3 different light settings and you can dim them super low or make them sunshine bright. 🌞
VITAMIN D3 AKA the sunshine vitamin. We love her. I like the fruity chewable ones because I’m still a kid I suppose. I never forget to take vitamins if they taste like candy. Helps body absorb calcium+helps with moods. A really good friend during the winter months. POP that shit.
Also us black people are more prone to vitamin D deficiency. (The higher the levels of melanin, the less vitamin D the skin can absorb.)
So a lot of people think I may have slight synesthesia (where things that stimulate one of your senses can also stimulate your other senses as well.) I like listening to music where I can see colours in the rhythm.
SO making playlists that look yellow/orange/pink (bright colours) works for me! I especially like to listen to songs I repetitively listen to in the summer to trick my mind into thinking it’s actually warm out 🧠 it works sometimes!

(this is why I love best coast so much)
Eating a shit ton of fruit is year round for me. Try to consume more fruit if possible. Bursts of BRIGHT (lol synesthesia?) flavour elevates my mood so much.
I combined all of these things last night and my cat stayed in the room with me for hours. Coziest night ever. Idk, just get the things that remind you of summer and place them in the spot you hangout most.. smoke weed.

It all works I promise. Things will be warmer soon✨
HEY and patch up your boundaries... they’re breaking down. With everything going on, you need to start saying “No,” with your chest with 0 explanation. Have the best day ever. 🌙
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