Ok, let's talk about @SenToomey and what he's doing with these interviews this morning.
First of all, Toomey gonna toomey. What does that mean? It means that he says one thing loudly while going on ahead doing the opposite when it counts.
This morning he is talking a big game about being "concerned" about what Trump is doing. Right. He's so very concerned that he:
1. voted against removing him from office (fighting the investigation every step of the way)
2. proudly proclaimed his endorsement of him in 2020
3. Voted for each and every one of Trump's cabinet picks
4. Voted with Trump 88% of the time
5. Continues to refuse to curtail Trump in any meaningful way
The only time @SenToomey speaks out against Trump is when he thinks it will make him look good. He's not running for reelection (or for any other office) so why is he concerned? Well. The man likes power and money.
In our estimation @SenToomey is aiming for two things after he leaves office:
-- a big, cushy job in the banking world making a ton of money stealing from the poor and giving to the rich
-- behind-the-scenes influence in the political world (particularly PA)
When he expresses "concern," he's signaling to his big money backers (and future employers) that he's still in office to make them money. He will still fight to deliver tax breaks to the rich & big corporations while destroying the very fabric of our country.
BUT! @SenToomey is wily. He simultaneoulsy signals to his billionaire donors that he is still there man while using language that makes Pennsylvanians think he cares about them. Let's look at this "loan" stuff he talks about.
Those PPP loans were an enormous gift to the banking industry from @SenToomey. Instead of having a gov't agency administer the loans, Toomey wrote into the bill that they had to go through banks. Why? That way the banks got a cut of each and every loan. An unnecessary cost.
And, it also made it much more difficult for actual small businesses (rather than huge corporations owned by Jared Kushner) to get a loan. You had to already have an established relationship with a bank. And banks were financially incentivized to give to larger companies.
If it takes the same amount of work to give a large loan as it does a small one, and the bank gets a percentage of the loan amount, they are going to give prioritize loans to big companies and not small ones. @SenToomey is not dumb. He knew this. He planned this.
So, to review, this is just one example of how @SenToomey hands cash to his donors and future employers while saying things that make his constituents think he is doing the right thing. Because he values two things: money and power.
He will continue along this path for the next two years. We redouble our commitment to holding him accountable. His lies won't go unchallenged. His political life will not end quietly. (And, BTW, @PAGOP, we've learned. We won't let any of your cronies win this seat.)
You can follow @TuesdaysToomey.
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