1. In many ways, China shared a great deal similarities with Northern Nigeria at the time. My story is set in 18th century China. The “First Opium War” between Britain & China, was under the Daoguang Emperor, the 7th Emperor of the Qing Dynasty.
2. China was closed to western influence. She had gained trade surplus from trade imbalances with Britain. At the time, Chinese tea, porcelain & silk were in high demand in Europe. China refused innovation, oblivious of the rapid industrialization happening in the west,
3. especially the steam engines in Britain, China refused trade with the outside world.

In contrast, the Industrial Revolution in Britain was underway. Britain & its East India Company made efforts to trade with China. But all attempts to get China to allow opium trade, failed.
4. China had not ventured out into the known world, so the Chinese thought themselves; “superior.”

British envoy landed in China with great deal industrial goods as gifts to the Emperor of China, but the Emperor & his generals boasted they needed non of those.
5. British party would wait another 3 months before returning back to their country. It was a deadlock. China won’t grant trade concessions to the English. Britain had been trading Opium through her merchants trading opium illegally, throughout China trade routes.
6. By that time, most of Chinese abled men, workers, pubs & restaurants, even men of the Chinese military & monks, had become opium addicts. Huge profits from opium threatened China’s previously enjoyed “trade surpluses.” It maintained constant flow of revenue into Great Britain.
7. The Emperor of China declared war on opium, seizing large containers of British ships ferrying opium into China territories. Most of the opium were destroyed. Harsh measures in form of capital punishment by “death,” was even decreed, to be handed down to opium addicts.
8. This destruction of opium laden British merchant ships, provoked Britain. In fact, the Emperor of China had placed 24hr guard & patrol on Chinese coast lines, he wanted no foreigners coming into China.

And so the British parliament went into a rowdy session, & the debate?
9. “Shud Britain declare war on China?” Under strong pressure & intense lobbying from various trade & manufacturer associations, the Whig controlled cabinet under Prime Minister Melbourne, declared war on China. The dice was cast, WAR it is!! British war ships set sail for China.
10. By the time the first gunshot was fired by the British Royal navy ships, Chinese cannons was no match for the superior-technological advanced British cannons. British cannons had precision & range.
11. Firing from a distance, it took just 15 mins for Britain to defeat the Chinese in the Battle of Chuenpi.

In humiliation, & inability to stomach defeat, the Chinese general committed suicide. The war would last on for another 2 years, 11 months, 3 weeks & 4 days.
12. The first gunshot was fired from the British Royal Navy ships HMS Volage & HMS Hyacinth on the 4 September 1839.

In the aftermath of the series of battles & defeats that followed, China ceded Hong Kong to Britain, the Treaty of Nanking was signed,
13. China paid heavy taxes to Britain & opened up five of its ports (including Shanghai) to Britain.

The United States & France seized the moment & made incursions into China as well. Both concluded similar treaties with China: the Treaty of Wanghia & the Treaty of Whampoa.
14. In the end, China was up for grabs; balkanized by the West. In despair, & growing resentment for the Daoguang emperor, the people of China will rise in revolt against the Qing Dynasty.
15. The Revolution that followed is known as the “Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Rebellion,” led by “Hong Xiuquan” & his radical Chinese Christians in 1851. Although in the end it was a Qing victory, the Qing dynasty was severely weakened in the aftermath.
16. Now the moral of this history: China refused to learn, they refused western civilization. They refused to innovate. In the end, the empire paid the price. Since Saudi Arabia is opening up herself to western influence. Will northern Nigeria ever open itself to see the light???
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