The notion of social progress is backward. Today, there is no question that genocide and slavery are wrong. There is no question the United States was established through these means. The current economic and political system is a product of this genealogy.
One of the gravest injustices of this era is that we continue to negotiate between freedom and liberation: moderation. We do this as if genocide and slavery are the natural state of human beings.
As such, society continues to demand that lives be committed and sacrificed to the continued struggle for liberation. This is itself neither liberation nor progress, but slavery. Progress is a delusion—a compromise between freedom and slavery.
The continuation of slavery is unacceptable. For all we know and all that we can know, each of us experiences but a single life. All of our pain and our joy is of this one life. Demanding a life commit itself to progress is nothing more than a cruel jest.
We treat liberation as a thing toward which some of us should strive while others enjoy lavish lifestyles and lives of privilege. It is time society wake up and cast off these chains. By any means necessary, this delusion must end.
Technological progress is such that we are all connected now in real time. We need abide no longer the old norms and customs. Indeed, we must overthrow them. It does not take an economist to understand that the current system is unjust.
It is a continuation of genocide, slavery and colonialism, hence the name "racial capitalism". We are justified in opposing this system by any and all means at our disposal.
No matter which way one perceives the situation, the oppressor is never in a place to tell the oppressed how they may oppose the system. Each and every member of the oppressed class is justified in opposing the current system in any way suitable to oneself.
This is to say if I wish to include violence in the way I oppose this system, I am justified and no one else is allowed to tell me I am not justified. I believe any member of the oppressed class is justified to include violence as well as any other means of opposition.
It is disheartening we are so soon to forget the lessons of our Ancestors and the revolutionaries who came before us. I cannot in good moral conscience oppose the current system only by peaceful means, though I believe in employing all means at our disposal, including peaceful.
This is just simply how I feel. That so many would disagree with this, especially under the current conditions and the complete disregard of our government of American lives. We are at the dawn of automation revolution and like cattle the wealthy have seen fit to let labor die.
Those who cannot see this are fools. Those who are not ready to pick up arms to support their communities are cowards of weak moral fortitude. This is my belief. I cannot abide cowards or those who would rather ignore problems for the sake of convenience: the selfish.
Hear ye the following:

"Violence in everyday behaviour, violence against the past that is emptied of all substance, violence against the future—for the colonial regime presents itself as necessarily eternal.
"We see, therefore, that colonialized people, caught in a web of three-dimensional violence—a meeting point of multiple, diverse, repeated, cumulative violences—are soon logically confronted by the problem of ending the colonial regime by any means necessary."
Frantz Fanon, Alienation and Freedom: Pt. 3, Ch. 22 - “Why We Use Violence”. 1960.

Colonialism and racial capitalism has demoralized our society and created many a materialistic, selfish fool. So many are lost and do not know what to do, but the answers sit in front of our face.
Stop waiting to be told what to do. Stop waiting to see what is going to be cool with all your friends. Stop waiting to see what your employer has to say. Stop waiting to be spoon-fed the knowledge. This is our world to create, and I, for one, plan to create a new, just world.
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