🚨 A NEW CV MUTATION!😱 PLEASE Do not fall into the MSM Fearmongering. Our body has Trillions of viruses inside of us. That's because our Immune System is the most phenomenal system ever created! Every virus & mutation we are exposed to is," Logged Into", our DNA forever. So, to
2)survive,viruses Constantly mutate because our Immune Sx recognizes them & fights them.When a Brand New virus is released into the human population,severity of symptoms & deaths are highest at 1st because our Immune System doesn't know exactly How to fight this new intruder.But
3) it doesn't take our Immune System long to figure out How to kill it & create antibodies for future attacks. As more people are exposed to a new virus, the less powerful it becomes. So, it mutates. There are many CVs. The Common Cold is one. We get sick, but rarely die from it.
4) There is No vacc for a Cold is there? Because it mutates & by the time a vacc is created it doesn't work on the mutated strain. Same with the Flu Vacc- very ineffective. It is the same with CV. Already mutating. We have 2 Scientifically Proven meds & Natural Supplements that
5) K*ll CV. Ivermectin, HCQ & Zinc. Zinc kills CV. Build up your Immensely Intelligent Immune System. Humans would have been extinct after a few years without our Immune Systems. We are indoctrinated to think Big Pharma Meds are the only answer. Not True! VitA,Bs,C,D, Quercitin
6)S-Acetyl Glutathione, NAC, Selenium, Boron & other Natural Supplements are recommended by Drs to Build up our Immune Systems.Research & start your Health Regimen there!The viruses will Always be here. How we choose to respond is the Key! Living in fear is Not living.Fight Back!
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