An unspoken but fundamental belief of the right is that poverty is the end product of personal failure.

To them, poverty is the result of bad choices.

It’s the companion belief to believing riches are the reward for « good » choices, even for those who inherited their wealth.
This is why the right has absolutely no problem w/poor people suffering hunger, homelessness or endless pain.

Because to them, it’s the just deserts of character deficit.

It’s not the least bit Christian, but if you get this, every word they utter &action they take makes sense
This is also why they resent « forced generosity » to others through taxes being used to help the poor.

They always insist that they should be left to their own charitable choices,like giving to their church.

That’s because they want credit for being generous far more than they
want the poor to actually have the basics needed to survive.

Their analysis begins & ends with how THEY feel & what’s fair to « them. »

It is an entrenched & weaponized form of greed & self-absorption masquerading as « conservatism. »
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