Being willing to sacrifice the elderly and the people with underlying medical issues on the altar of the economy and supposed “freedom” is not surprising coming from this ghoul. It sends a clear statement that you don’t believe these people’s lives are worth living nor protecting
“Sacrifice” is not even the right word. It's simply a discarding of the lives of the people we view as expendable.
When people try to discount elderly deaths to COVID because the victims were old or disregard the vulnerable, remember not only do we have no idea how many years they could have had left but that humanity does not diminish with age or illness, no one is expendable.
Today marks the point where, even with vaccines in sight, Julia has decided that elderly and infirm are dispensable to COVID. Deaths are brushed off because it's mainly minorities, essential workers or people with vulnerable health. We keep treating them as bottom of the society
I get that people are tired, lonely and their mental health is declining. I get that it’s hard for all of us right. I haven’t seen my pregnant little sister in months and I miss her so. But I also don’t want to put her at any risk.
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