I really like "have fun staying poor" as a meme because it has a spiritual and intellectual interpretation that is perhaps more profound than the obvious financial one.
Naysayers and skeptics of Bitcoin have had more than enough time to introspect and reevaluate their claims, and at least open themselves up to the possibility that they don't have a full grasp of what's happening with this system.
2017 was the learning cycle - it's when nearly everyone was made aware of Bitcoin. Writing if off then was understandable. In this cycle it isn't. The time has come to dunk mercilessly on anyone haughty enough not to be *at a minimum* agnostic about Bitcoin's potential. So...
If you aren't a programmer yet somehow feel qualified to say that Bitcoin's foundations are shaky or insecure or that it's backed by nothing and can be changed arbitrarily... have fun staying (intellectually) poor!
If you're pessimistic or apocalyptic enough to believe that governments can meaningfully impair Bitcoin's adoption on a long term scale, and there's no hope of an alternative to control by profligate Central Banks... have fun staying (spiritually) poor!
If you're comfortable in the current fin. system to the point where you don't feel the acute distress created by a fiat money that *both* taxes the 95% and creates a gov't command and control economy, and you think Bitcoin is "a Ponzi backed by nothing," have fun staying poor!
If you don't understand the technology, but are somehow positive it will "never work," have fun staying poor!
If you think that some copy-and-paste job will eventually MySpace/Beta-Max Bitcoin into obsolescence, despite the fact that thousands have tried and failed over a decade, have fun staying poor!
If you think that Proof of Work will be displaced by some more advanced consensus algorithm that substitutes expending real energy for running some piece of software, have fun staying poor! https://download.wpsoftware.net/bitcoin/asic-faq.pdf
If you dismiss Bitcoin without understanding it,

(photo credit to @HaveFunStayPoor)
Okay, more:
If you think that central bank digital currencies will somehow be any different from ACH with slightly faster confirmations and massive spyware, and that will somehow defuse the demand for Bitcoin's censorship-resistant, fixed-supply store of value, have fun staying poor!
If you think that the way out of fiat is having central banks reprice their currencies in gold and voluntarily return to some virgin state of prudence based upon a peg to a shiny rock that costs +5% to repatriate, have fun staying poor!
You can follow @jamesob.
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