There will be people who voted Leave because they believed we’d be staying in the Single Market and we’d get a better deal than the one we had.

That was the promise.

What they’ve now got is a deal you couldn't scrape across the thinnest piece of toast in the world.
It’s hard to know who is cockahoop happy with this deal.

We’re still aligned to the EU but with no seat at the top table.
We’re now Rule Takers not Makers.
We are subject to “abitration”
We’ve lost all the good bits, all the citizen rights.
UK now has a border through it
They’ve rolled on Fish and Level Playing Field, the two big hoohahs for Super Hard Brexiters.
We have no unfettered access to the SM.
Business now has vastly more red tape.
Who, exactly, is looking at this deal and thinking it’s super?
Boris Johnson has managed to deliver the nation a deal that has reduced our sovereignty, made us poorer and made trade more difficult.

Seriously, who is loving this deal? Apart from RW mouth honks on the radio whose jobs as professional honkers will be utterly unaffected?
Still, as the incomparable @davidallengreen has pointed out, we now have to revisit Brexit every five years.

What larks Pip.

Truly, we have become Sisyphus.
Dear @LibDems and @UkLabour - please work together on changing our voting system.

And start getting your cards in a row on at the very least getting us back into the Single Market.
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