Then some naive & ill-informed twitter people who don't even know ABC about counterterrorism operations told me not to talk about operation in Balochistan against BLA, giving me the example of harsh terrain & large area & all. No, it's army, not Khasadars, harsh...
...terrain or whatever, let them find the terrorists and hit them hard. Hideouts of terrorists are known, launch a large scale operation there. We have 6th largest army, why are we even hesitant when dealing with BLA. Deal with them with iron hands. Hit them hard.
Terms like harsh terrain, large area etc doesn't suit army. Army is meant for hard terrains and large areas. We have been training our troops for the same since decades. Someone told me that going against BLA with large scale operation won't suit our national interests.
What? As if losing FC soldiers suits our interests. To hell with interests, our priority should be our soldiers. They're our interest and above anything else. Taking strict punitive actions against BLA will not suit our national interests? How?
BLA is supported by RAW and NDS from Afg. They hide in Iran and Afg.
There is no task impossible for the army of nuclear armed state. They can kick dozens of such BLA type organizations in their butts. I've seen them kicking TTP in Waziristan and Tirah like fighting machines. When our soldier decide to do something, no one can stop them. Period
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