2. very weird place today, and I'd appreciate getting your perspective on things. I'm sharing mine b/c my view comes from a unique place. I view trump & the GOP's escapades not only as a political junkie but as someone with personal knowledge of how people with NDP react to
3. certain situations. My 🔥take on the situation is this, the worse things that a person can do when dealing with someone with NPD are (a) ignore the existence of the disorder (b) assume that you can control the person w/NPD (arrogance) (c) apply your own values to the person
4. (assume they are sane) and (d) ever give-in to them, in other words, fail to set boundaries or reward bad behavior as opposed to subjecting the person to consequences. Unfortunately for us, the GOP has done all of these things. The $2000k per person that trump is demanding
5. is not coming out of the blue. He told Mnuchin & Meadows that he wanted$2000 checks, but they "talked him out of it." This is an example of their total lacking of understanding of trump. Remember, the stimulus money is not trump's money. @TheSteveTheCat called it when she said
6. that trump was trying to get money to his supporters so that he could continue the grift, but IMO there are other reasons as well. I believe that he knows he's in legal trouble. He can avoid this trouble if he "is" re-elected which sustains his immunity. He is desperate for
7. the GOP to help. But remember, if he doesn't prevail, he will not be judged by Vance, a new AG, or Leticia, he will be judged by a jury of the American people. IMO he also sees a benefit to "appearing" to fight for them. There is a part of him that may be trying to pay
8. "the people" off. Very few juries are compromised of millionaires and billionaires, they are primarily comprised of working people. You're probably saying to yourself "Oh, he doesn't have the brains to think of that." To that I say this, he rode birtherism straight to the WH.
9. He knew it would work on a segment of the population and it did. Never confuse crazy with stupid. I've also come to believe that Jared may be egging him on. If Jared actually believed he won, why would he have pushed for a pardon for his dad now? trump had four years to do it,
10. yet it didn't occur until after the election. I view this as a tactic admission from Jared that trump lost. The question remains, "does trump know that he lost, or is he believing this rigged BS? From reading his tweets, I think that trump actually believes that he won and
11. that victory was stolen from him. Why? First, ppl with NPD create their own reality, secondly, with the slowing of the mail, putting out disinformation, and having his state minions limiting polling places and changing early voting times, HE was, in fact, trying to steal the
12. election. The fact that it didn't work has led him to believe that he was outsmarted and the other side (Dems) must have been cheating too (b/c his "brilliant" plan didn't work🙄. What is the GOP to do? What the GOP never understood is that a person with NPD only cares about
13. that which you have done for them lately. There is no such thing as loyalty, there is only "gimme." The GOP is in a bad position b/c of their arrogance. As I wrote last night, THEY are primarily being blamed for this debacle b/c they didn't join the Dems on raising the
14. amount of the stimulus checks. Now, Blanche Graham went to Florida on Xmas and I'm sure his mission was to get trump to sign the bill. He either used one of two tactics to persuade (a) He stressed the need for the GOP to retain the Senate so that they could prevent Senate
15. Dems from investigating trump. On its face that seems like a good plan, but it assumes trump is stupid. A GOP controlled Senate has no control of a Biden AG, a NYC DA, or a NY AG, hence, GOP control of the Senate doesn't help trump. or (b) He persued a hybrid argument about
16. trump's legacy and how his (trump's ) supporters would be harmed if he didn't sing the bill. Firstly, it has been clear for years that trump doesn't give a damn about his legacy, so that argument is stupid. Secondly, the one thing that is for sure is that people with NPD
17. don't give a damn about other people. Why do think I'm right? Because Blanche came out of his golf game supporting trump. Here we have another tactic admission. Blanche is telling us that trump isn't going to sign the bill. So what happens next? Now I'm just guessing. The
18. greats mistake that Mitch made with trump was exposing his greatest vulnerability which is his desire to remain majority leader. trump has put the GA runoff at stake knowing that's the pressure point. Why did Mitch congratulate Biden/Harris? IMO it;s because you have trump
19. loyalists actively suppressing the "trump" vote to gain leverage for Jan 6th and Mitch's congrats were a feeble attempt to appeal to conservative Dems and GOPers to vote for the GOP candidates in an effort to counteract those efforts. It was his only hand to play. And
20. remember, Burr in NC has not been absolved of wrongdoing in the insider trading scandal (He's the only one that has not been cleared). I'm sure this is weighing on Mitch b/c it seems ever more likely that Burr will be indicted. IfI'm right, the GOP needs to hold onto those
21 seats. It cannot split. FYI, the GOP candidates in GA MUST have normal GOP votes to win, no ifs, and, or buts about it. Conclusion. If the GOP gives into trump on the amount of the checks in won't matter. What he is demanding is that Congress not certify Biden/Harris as the
22. winners of the election. That's the choice. I will not be surprised if we have a government shutdown and either Paul, Blanche or Cruz or Tuberville join Mo Brooks (House GOP) to try to deny certification in Congress. Delay and destroy are the only options trump has left.
23. Of course, I could be wrong about all this, and I will be pleasantly surprised (surprised being the operative word) if I am. As always, I want to hear from the family.
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