THREAD: 2020 Taught in History

1. Imagine trying teaching today’s reality to a Junior High history class in 100 years. Here is an futuristic attempt:

"Well kids, it was a brilliant counter-insurgency, during an information war.

Let me clear up what really happened…
2. The White Hats, working via a Q-clearance back-channel communication link with the citizens of the US, chose to expose the insurgent’s disinformation with White Hat disinformation, while also exposing the real truth, which no-one yet believed.
3. The White Hat truths appeared to be so untrue, that they replaced the existing chaos, previously caused by the insurgent’s untruths, with a new chaos, created by the White Hats.

This White Hat chaos involved a stunning blend of unbelievable truth and crazy disinformation...
4. meaning that no-one knew what was true and what was untrue.

This all happened in 2020 when the prophets of the day said humanity would receive 20-20 vision.

This apparently, was also White Hat disinformation for the people's protection, but was also [weirdly] kind-of-true.
5. The the fog of war descended upon collective-consciousness, between Christmas & New Year of 2020.

It turned out that this chaos, caused by the White Hat truthers, would ensure that MSM reporters, who people thought told the truth, but who were actually the...
6. propaganda arm of the insurgents, were forced to move from simply distorting truth to actually publishing complete untruths, which they still sold as truth.

During 2020, the propagandists actually profited by literally selling lies to the public.

Everything became so clear.
7. These lies from the MSM awakened those who once-believed the counter-insurgents to be liars, but who were really truthers, while exposing the formerly trusted truth-media as complete liars.

What was believed to be true, was untrue and what was believed to be untrue, was true.
8. Now class, you are undoubtedly asking, how did sufficient clarity arrive to help the sleeping-masses realize that the true truth-tellers had exposed the formerly-trusted truth-tellers, who were now known as the fake news, in the greatest sting operation ever attempted?
9. No one can really pin-point the exact date, but we do know that social media played a huge role.

Historical interviews and video evidence from social media around this time, shows a massive increase in alternate truth-telling news sources and the emergence of on-line Anons.
10. Anons (or digital soldiers), told so much truth that their identity was best hidden, until enough people joined them.

They were mocked by the MSM.

Many true truth-tellers were de-platformed by formerly-trusted truth-tellers and free-speech advocates [fake news insurgents].
11. Why were so many true truth-tellers removed from social media?

History shows the true truth-tellers were accused by the formerly-trusted truth-tellers, now known as the fake news, of publishing ‘fake news’!

The phrase "projection" became firmly established in history.
12. With so much disinformation, we also examined images and videos to help identify the exact turning point in this 2020 information war.

This evidence showed that the true turning point was late in 2020, when the masses realized the profound truth that lay within 'memes'.
13. It was the Memers who managed to simplify the vast evidence that was emerging from the Anon research movement.

It was the Memers who brought truth to light with a myriad of obviously-photoshopped pictures, strange green frogs and rainbow dildos.

Crazy hey?
14. No one actually knows how or why, but history records that it was the Memers who brought about the critical turning point in the Great War of 2020-2024.

The Memers were a vast army.

From what we can tell, no-one knew all the Memers, but everyone knew at least one or two.
15. The Memers allowed the Patriots to laugh their way through the Great War, while mercilessly mocking their enemy... with more memes!

Records show that when their enemy became upset at their memes, the Memers made memes about their tears, and the Patriots laughed even more.
16. History shows that most people attempted a meme, but, for some reason, 'left-leaning' folk simply could not meme.

It seemed they had lost their ability to laugh and discern fact from fiction.
17. 2020 was such a glorious blood-bath that the invisible enemy (who were the US Democrats at this point) tried to pass a bill making memes illegal.

They actually tried to outlaw memes! 😂

It was then that the Patriots knew that the Memers had broken enemy lines.
18. Class, here are two examples of iconic Memers that many knew and loved. Their digital footprint will lead you to many more."
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