The Honorable @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
Please have someone check all of my work immediately regarding PA and GA. Based on my findings a sophisticated State Actor was able to optimize a desired outcome for both the State of Georgia and the State of Pennsylvania. I'm showing
the Shortage in PA almost perfectly offsetting the Overage in GA on the top 100 Last Names (2 million voting records)
Once this is confirmed.. you will have the proverbial smoking gun of #ForeignElectionInterference
When taking the top 100 Names in PA, you will find they are about 440,000 LAST Names from what is suggested there should be based on National Data (they went "missing" or were deleted) Meanwhile in GA, you have an offsetting amount of 428,000 MORE Last Names than should exist
(when you adjust the numbers for relative population size of PA and GA) With over 2 Million People Combined in 2 different States, the differential is -12,000 = 6/10 of 1%.
-440,000 Shortage PA
+428,000 Overage GA
=-12,000 or 6/10 of 1%.
Running the correlation between Last Names in PA, 1000 Names, vs those Same Last Names in GA, you get a negative -42.38%. The reason it isn't higher is because some of the Last Names in PA that don't make the top 100 names in GA.
Please pray... things might get very dangerous!
You can follow @BobbyPiton3.
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