731 days ago I set out a goal that I had no way of knowing it would go this far. No real reason to even do it, other than to expand my learning capabilities. I started using Duolingo to learn Spanish. 15-45 minutes per day, everyday for 2 years straight. Every morning.
You may ask yourself what is the significance of that? Well, I wasn't awake at that time & I was re-learning life as I had been a criminal & drug addict who had only completed his sentence 1½ years earlier. Everything I did was without God. Then something changed while in jail.
I began to pray about 90 days in.

That was the day I was no longer a drug addict. Ya see, I was still planning on getting high & wanting the prescription drugs. Until that fateful night when I prayed. Like magic, I stopped thinking about getting high. A year later, I'm about to
Be released in 2-3 months & I decide to start working out. I was 280 lbs about 4 years earlier and lost that weight due to a physical job & cutting out sugar. But never worked out & at this moment I started to work out. A small goal that I would tell everyone was what God wanted
Me to do. So, I did it. Little by little I started carving out a muscular physique & lost all the soft, doughy parts. Then comes along Spanish less than 2 years later. Another small goal of just take it little by little. No end in sight. I just want to see how good I can do.
I'm a competitive person, so instead of competing with the others, I started competing with myself. Try to do more exercises. Try to lift more weight. Work on every muscle I can. Turn weaknesses into strengths. Expand my way of thinking.

Again, I told ppl it was what God wanted
Me to do. That's why I was doing it. About 6 months later, I start meditating. I was so out of touch with God & so angry, held down in my root Chakra that I would fall asleep after 5 minutes. Then I got up to 10 minutes & finally after doing it a few times a week for 6 months, I
Was able to stay awake for more than 20 minutes. That's when things started to change dramatically. All of a sudden Im listening to podcasts about the paranormal & supernatural. Then I get into mysteries of the world. Then into ancient civilizations. Then into history being a lie
Then this past January I decided to look into the current political path. Then I got into Q. And in the meantime I'm continuing to do my Spanish, work out & spiritual studies. I added on celibacy as my new years resolution to go for 100 days, which I did & turns out it was Easter
That day 100 was, since I actually started the day before the new year. So I continue to inform myself on all current & past happenings. I start giving God credit for everything. I become more patient. I experiment with karma by changing how I react to a given situation & watch
The bad outcomes dissipate as I change my reaction to a more loving, positive manner. I start trying to achieve a Buddhist like mentality. I was trying to be peace & love. Exercising in the sunlight during the lockdowns for months. Adding in the needed vitamin D that I lacked.
Meditating while facing the sun. Playing gospel music for all to hear. Trying to become a person God would want to spend time around if God was in human form. It was quite easy to not be intrigued by the vices of life since everything was on lock down. Then I trust my gut & go
On vacation to Georgia on the 4th of July weekend. My daughter & I loved it so much that we moved down here 3 weeks later. My family hated me. I faced a lot of ill will towards me, but I prevailed & kept strong in my faith.

Here I am, 2 years on the dot of when this Spanish
Speaking journey began. I deliver Hispanic restaurants products to Spanish speaking people. How could I have known that's what my Spanish lessons would be for? Some job 750 miles away that speaks a different language nearly 2 years later.

I am surrounded by loving, supportive
People who listen to these crazy things I say & watch them come to fruition. Time and again. They want to know how they can become as connected to God as I am. Opposed to my family not even having an ounce of belief in God.

The moral of my story is that you never know what God
Has in store for you. So, when you do something; do it in God's name. Push your limits in every facet of your being, because that is what God wants. God wants you to constantly expand until you know & can do everything. Be the person God would want to be around if God was here.
We can't know the ending because it has to come about organically. If we knew, then we could only pretend & pretending to feel something & learn something is much different than actually feeling something & learning something.
If I can become who I am today from who I was a few years ago, imagine how far you can go if you are to push your limits & try to be God-like in every sense of the meaning.

You can do it. It won't be easy. But, nothing in life worth having is ever gained easily.
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