Ego's existence is rooted in the belief in separation. It identifies itself with the physical body that is separate from everything around it. This is the false, illusory self, that is nothing but programming based on separation.
All wars, injustice, exploitation, murder, racism, control, pollution, judgement, selfishness, lack, etc. derive from the egoic self. Yet, there are some that believe that by exposing ego for what it is, we demean a part of our human nature.
The problem is, we are not the ego. We are spiritual Divine beings that are oneness and unconditional love. The point of ascension is to move away from identification with the egoic self and start identifying with who we truly are.
Yes, there is a reason for the egoic self. It is to keep us safe when faced with physical danger and to keep us alive. However, the same egoic self, when not kept in check, will turn into a psychotic that sees danger everywhere and in everyone and thus lives in constant fear.
The egoic self will stay with us until we leave the physical vessel, but that doesn't mean that we must identify with it, listen to it, be influenced by it. Our job is to keep the beast in check and start identify with our true self, the Divine Self and to listen to its guidance.
Since ego is based on separation, it cannot be perfected and turned into oneness. It can't be done. Let go of that idea! The only thing we can do is to let it stay in a corner and wither away.
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