Larry proof: A thread. 💙💚

"my first crush was... Louis Tomlinson"

"are you and Louis dating?"
*nods* "yep"
"I figured" *smiles*

"I'm gay, it's pretty unfortunate isn't it Eleanor"
"I can't believe you just said that"
"would you like to be quite?"
*talking about Caroline*
"she's hot"
*looks back*
"Louis too"
Louis: 😳😲

"it's been ages
Different stages
Come so far from PRINCESS PARK"

"Same eyes blue
Same white shirt
Couple more tattoos"

"two hearts in one home
It's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn I know"
"boys and the girls are in
I miss around with him
And I'm ok with it"

"We were too young"


"I can't compete with MY boyfriend
He's got 27 tattoos"

"I have loved HIM since we were 18"

"Glad you were able to join us on your ANNIVERSARY!"
"I have loved you since we were 18"

"I'm hoping some day you'll open
I know that you're scared because I'm so open"

*golden 28 times*

"I took some time cause I ran out of energy
But honestly, I don't have to choose anymore"
"I get so lost inside your eyes"

"you don't have to say you love me
You don't have to say nothing
You don't have to say you're mine"

"I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you"

"sort of person you just wanna sit back and just like, kinda admire what he's like."
"painted nails make Harry beautiful"

"and I'd marry you Harry"

"you're just so... Comically--"
"don't say it!"
"that he's gay"
"I was calling him a genius"

*asked about last time they kissed a girl*
"when was the last time you liked it?"

"Always so obvious"
*Captain Niall giving himself whiplash when they're asked about the rainbow bears*

"Louis Styles"

*drunk Harry writing Harry Tomlinson*

Honestly, need I go on? Feel free to add any more.
Actually, you know what? I will go on.

Picture time!
My fav photo
My favourite tik tok 🤣
Not really proof but a VERY strange coincidence.

"what flavour is Harry?"
"uhh, salt and vinegar"
Now tell me... After all of this, can you honestly say that there isn't anything going on? I mean really? We may not have photos and gifs of them together recently, but the songs and the hints and everything just proves it. The love between these two is beautiful.
Here's some more.
Credit to the person who posted these earlier today.
The first time we ever saw these two beans together.
"I loved you first"
Actually, that ENTIRE interview is just proof in of itself.

"The script was written and I could not change a thing.
I want to tear it all to shreds and start again."


The end of the day

"secret little Rendezvous"
*Louis smiles and head tilt*

"The fans call me and Louis Larry stylinson"

"one this day 19years ago.... My hero was born. Happy birthday to my man crush @/louis_tomlinson ;) Yayyy!!"


Chicken, stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham, bang it in the oven, with some homemade mash

Chelsea boot... If you know, you know.

Harry follows Larries on twitter

"you two are so cute together"

"We don't need no piece of paper from the city Hall"
The iconic yellow hoodie and Adidas trainers on Harry's floor and then a photo of Louis wearing the same thing coming out on the same day.

Louis on the Dunkirk set

Harry throwing a football at Eleanor and Lou when they're walking together and holding hands
Louis kicking water bottles out the way on stage for Harry to climb up.

Ed sheeran... I don't need to say anymore than that, you all know what I'm talking about.

Fan throws water at Harry and Louis stops to make sure he's ok

Louis takes Harry's line when he's loosing breath

"boo bear"

"I'm not sure about your fringe"
*Harry instantly sorts out his fringe*
"that's better"

If I could fly. If you know, you know

"I'm happy that they're good friends, yeah"
*whispers* "if that"
"I like girls"
Louis: 😮🤨😠

*Zayn with his arm round Harry*
*Louis notices and looks back at them at least 4 times*
*grabs liam's hand to show Harry why he's upset*
*Harry nods and looks upset himself*

"it's not like I'm like, looking for someone..."
*louis coughs obviously*
"don't know why they're laughing, it's a fair point"
*Louis whispers* "no it wasn't"

All the times Louis fixes Harry's clothes.

Louis looking worried when he can't find Harry when they won their award
Paparazzi call Harry the f slur 😡 and Louis guides him away

Harry denies Larry photos in interview and is then seen crying after and niall comforts him

When both of them were crying on stage

Clifford barking in the back of Harry's interview
Harry using a chatterbox symbol for Louis and Louis using a heart symbol for Harry

Everytime Harry lost his breath to Louis

Everytime Louis lost his breath to Harry

Louis wearing the H shirt a few weeks ago that was confirmed to be an H by the company who own the design.
*Louis goes to Amsterdam with Eleanor*
"this song is about my girlfriend"
"I went to Amsterdam without you"

"but we're still young"
*James looks at Harry with a huge knowing smile and Harry smiles back shyly"

James Corden just in general
*Harry crying*
*guy from management takes pic of L and E*
*photo is taken, E walks off with another man and Louis goes to Harry*

Louis to Zayn on stage:
"you know yesterday? Hazza hugged me, and then we kissed. Well twice actually. And I actually forgot about Eleanor"

The tourbus situation

Louis crawls all the way around a sofa just so he can hug Harry.

Does the same thing on stage but sits next to him where there is clearly not enough room but does it anyway.
"rest of them have all got boyfriends"
"louis'... Louis' boyfriend"
"take that part out"
"yeah that'll have to be taken out now"

"even as young as you are?"
*look right at eachother without hesitation*

"that's sex appeal"
*Harry whispers* "yeah it is"

"I have a girlfriend, Jennifer is her name."

Harry giving Louis a piggyback ride

Harry wearing a necklace with an L on it

When the boys are asked if they have any problems with modest, H+L look down, sad.
After the Paris interview, Louis and Harry went to a restaurant and when they came out, Harry had a promise ring on his finger.

Louis drew a black heart on Harry's bicep and he then got that as a tattoo. 2 years later.
Harry's face in the photo with a fan who had a Larry phone case 😂

Eleanor was sick so Liam dressed up as her for the day.🤣

Louis always carried hairbands during shows incase Harry needed one for his glorious long hair.
"only tiger beat saw a super-sweet moment between Harry styles and Louis tomlinson on the iCarly set. As Harry chatted with a directioner, Louis came up to Harry and put his head on Harry's shoulder. They stood that way for a few minutes. It was SO sweet."
In 2015, Harry was seen with a blue key and a green key on his belt that were the same shade as their mics.

"Harry gets annoyed when Louis doesn't say "I love you" at the end of a phone call"

"did somebody kiss you there?"
"it's a scar"
"I gave him it"
Harry once cried cause he and Louis had a fight

"piss off"

That time Harry woke up and said "we have a show tonight" and you can clear see someone else hair on the other side of the bed

"Shhh Louis it's a Snapchat"
"There will always be the kind that criticize
But I know, yes I know we'll be alright"

"And we can't even be on the phone now
And I can't even be with you alone now
Oh, how shit changes
We were in love, now we're strangers"
"I don't care what people say when we're together
You know I wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep
I just want it to be you and I forever
I know you wanna leave
So c'mon baby be with me
So happily"
"You and I, we don't wanna be like them
We can make it 'til the end
Nothing can come between you and I
Not even the Gods above
Can separate the two of us
No, nothing can come between you and I"
"I want you here with me
Like how I pictured it
So I don't have to keep imagining"

"You're all I want
So much it's hurting"

"People say we shouldn't be together
Too young to know about forever
But I say they don't know what they're talk-talk-talkin' about"
"the first thing I did was drop off my b-"
*during Harry's 3 hour rant about Poutine*
"number 7! The one we love most of all! Is every single one of you"
*Louis turns to Niall and points to himself* "and me!"
*Louis' smile then drops, he looks round and shakes his head* like he realised that there are people watching.
Check this out too
The blue stones in this ring are the birthstones for December. And who do we know who is born in December? ✌🏻😁
Harry's handwriting?
Here's all Louis' moments from that interview from a previous video in the thread.
Listen to those cheers and tell me that these two would not break the world when they come out.
Haven't got a clue about this one but for my sanity I'm gonna say its the angle that makes it look like they kissed.
On the day that's supposed to be their anniversary, they literally would not leave eachother's side on stage all night.
I forgot to add the all important ✨1:32✨ to this thread
Here are a few gifs and videos from a great thread. Be sure to have a look!!
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