Serious question. Where do you think the money for those people come from? Where are the Park Slope cardboard factories? Is there an oil refinery in DC I don’t know about? Maybe Chicago has a saw mill.

Blue cities are propped up by the low wages they pay red state workers.
Places like NYC have wealth because all they do is manage money. And the way they manage it is by paying one of these people $10/hr and the other $100,000 so that they can “walk to Broadway.” Take a guess who.
If America does split, it should be made clear that NYC, Chicago, DC, etc do not get financial access to the paper mills, chemical plants, oil refineries, and the other commanding heights of the economy. They got Silicon Valley. They’ll still need our minerals for their chips tho
Also, the argument that the blue states will get the California and Illinois agricultural? Please. Decatur Illinois ain’t gonna listen to the northwestern cook county inbreds at ADM.
(Latest governor races).
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