Like many of you, this year we’ve also watched @FaudaOfficial and noted a number of violations of #IHL.

Check out this Twitter thread and tell us if you see more!
Ep. 5:
👍Hiking in the forest is good for you.
❌Taking hostages is illegal in any circumstances, and specifically prohibited by #IHL.
Ep. 7:
👍Escorting a loved one to a hospital is fine.
❌Building a military base in the premises of a hospital is not allowed by #IHL as it puts civilians and wounded fighters at risk.
Ep. 10:
👍Cruising with friends in a van is a great way to enjoy the weekend.
❌Using an ambulance for covert activities and impersonating health care workers and misusing the emblem are serious violations of IHL.
Ep. 10:
❌❌Torture is illegal in any circumstances!❌❌
You can follow @ICRC_ilot.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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