The combination of the Trump years and the ongoing social-commercial adoption of “diversity” as both an economic good and a cultural identification of the upper class ensured that the concept of poverty became coded as “white.” That made addressing it déclassé and dangerous.
None of this has anything to do with reality, but 90% of American “politics” now consists of mapping and servicing the childlike fantasy lives of a collapsing aristocracy who will pay any price in someone else’s coin for one more hit of abstract aesthetic satisfaction.
Thus do the heirs of regnant neoliberalism turn on their father with the inheritance gifted them. After all, were we not meant to be knowledge workers one and all, manipulators of the post-industrial language economy? Is this not the vision we were sold?
When all else has been cast aside or burned before our eyes as an impediment to the great crusade of international consumption, we find ourselves left to make a life and express what we feel but cannot name in the only language left to us.
I detest what this class does, the cruelty, the emptiness, the constant performance born of hypercompetition, but make no mistake: they are what others made them. We chose to leave a world of constant fear to posterity, and they have given us back a world of constant dysfunction.
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