Take a moment and try in your mind and in your heart to calculate the enormity of the human suffering created by the failure of our government to rise to the challenge of this COVID crisis, a failure fed by their greed, self-interest and willful ignorance.
Try to imagine the hundreds of thousands dead, the millions among their immediate families and friends, the tens of millions who have lost their jobs or suffered economically, gone hungry, gone to bed wracked with anxiety about what tomorrow will bring.
Imagine if it was you and your family. Perhaps it has been. Then imagine another and another. When does your mind start to boggle. After how many deaths, how much loss, how much fear, how much apprehension and uncertainty?
Seriously, try to take it in. Create in your mind the landscape of loss and deprivation. Then, understand that it was all avoidable. It was a choice made by a few politicians because they thought it served them and their careers and their friends and their donors.
Think of it, millions cast into hell. All out of the greed and cynicism of a handful of people, the President, Senator McConnell, and their enablers. Other countries controlled the virus and took care of their people--because that's what countries are supposed to do.
We failed. We were betrayed.

Now think we can reverse that on January 5 in Georgia. We can reverse that if just a couple members of the GOP decide to work with the new president to help the people--their constituents.
We are a couple of votes in the Senate away from decency and hope. That sounds like politics. But it is the practical reality of the moment we face. A couple of votes more--from Georgia or from Senators who put conscience and values first--and we can exit this Hell.
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