One thing Twitter has accelerated which really is bonkers is how you're not allowed to be mates with someone who has a bad opinion any more. A single Wrong Opinion and the entirefreidnship has to be terminated or else you're just as bad and need cancelled.
In fact, not just mates, but family too. To the extent you see people go hunting out those friends or family with Wrong Opinions precisely so they can peformatively denounce them for the praise of strangers on here.
I'm sorry but it's messed up and will make you lonely not happy
I have mates, and family, who have opinions I don't agree with. Who have opinions that my other mates and family don't agree with. And that's ok. They're still my mates and family. Because having a Wrong Opinion is something I can cope with. And you should too.
So next time I tell you x is a lovely person, done so much for me, been there through tough times, shown such kindness, don't come back sneering because of something they said 10yrs ago and OMG how could you, cut them off now! Seriously, just grow up.
And when you do, you'll find yourself a little less insufferable to your family and likely also your friends, who probably also have Wrong Opinions but just don't think it's worth the aggro of sharing them with you.
And who knows, friendship, compassion, understanding, loyalty might just be the best way to win them over. Doing the hard yards. Better than ostentatious shaming to randoms who couldn't really give two hoots about you and your life beyond the fleeting moment of a viral retweet
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