Rex Murphy's article sums up in detail the most visible failings of Canada's C-19 response. The economic costs especially to the youth are alarming and clear; prosperity, opportunity and growth have all been sacrificed with careless abandon. 1/
The usual dull retort is that C-19 was a pandemic for the ages. That is a canard and a lie. It is a hard-flu like illness that is manageable through wisdom and careful action. We had neither in Canada and we are poorer for it. 2/
But far deeper and painful was the lethargic behavior of the medical/scientific community. It's inescapable, we failed our country miserably. There was no critical analysis, no rising to the challenge. We indulged in rank opportunism or sat at home with a steady paycheck. 3/
Academics like to view themselves as liberal, free thinkers. C-19 revealed this too as a canard and a lie. We recklessly abandoned reason and like middle age clerics figured ways to launch modern day inquisitions to stifle thought. 4/
There is nothing pleasant in watching the enlightenment being abandoned by the liberal class. But truthfully, it has been happening for decades especially within universities. We have closed our minds and have circled the wagons. 5/
C-19 was the event that revealed how far universities have slid. A central pillar of society, often used to critique and correct public policy was silent. Those that dare speak up were told to "Shut up and get in line". 6/
Maybe the professerial class will learn from this experience. And maybe university administrators will recognize their failings and institute systematic change. Will it happen? My hope springs eternal. End/
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