i am so sick of the phrase 'trans rights'.
one of the most overtly manipulative things the cult has done is appropriate the concepts of human and civil rights. trans rights should refer to housing, healthcare, safety, and discrimination protection, but this is not what people mean when they say 'trans rights'.
in scotland, we recently saw a debate about a trans woman's 'right' to examine a rape victim who requested a female doctor. 'rights' means the right to administer hormone-blocking drugs used to treat cancer patients to healthy teenagers without parental consent.
we also have to consider the 'right' to play on opposite-sex sports teams, despite the risk to other players. the rights of male rapists to be housed in women's prisons. the right of married transitioners to revoke their spouse's ability to anull the marriage.
all of these things are placed under the umbrella of 'trans rights'. the fact that they directly infringe on other people's rights doesn't matter. this is a dirty political trick used to create a false teaming narrative between supporters of gay rights and trans 'rights'.
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