While we distracted by hanging chads in FL, how many other States had their legal vote compromised.
While we distracted by 9/11... China slipped into the #WTO (12/11/2001)
While housing crash caused millions to lose their homes; Trillions of accumulated trade surpluses China
Might have been scooping up properties.
While Trillions spent on Wars overseas (did we ever do a True Audit of $7 million millions); how much was skimmed by evil souls partnered with other evil global nations?

If they sent troops, it would be an invasion, but if they used
The $5 Trillion we sent them to secretly buy up homes across our Nation (potentially for nefarious aims) and key properties by ports should that not be considered an Act of War? Sadly we sent them $5 million millions to possibly fund this.
I know how to decipher this and
Will gladly do it if duty calls.
My fellow Americans,
In this order if we want to live on as a Constitutional Republic.
As Martin Treptow said We all need to do our utmost as though the entire struggle depends on each one of us and each over of us alone
The #GreatDecoupling NOT #GreatReset
We need to throw the bums out of our Nation! It's ours, NIT globalist scum!
All treasonous activity should be viewed as acts of war and all assets seized and individuals dealt with the way we dealt with them in past wars. Half measures over!
Some of my words seem to go missing on my posts after I post...odd
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