Women are “sexy.”

Men are NOT “sexy.”

“Sexy” is the wrong word to use with a man.

A man is — or is not — erotically POWERFUL.

Erotic power flows from inside a man.

It develops within him over time.

Its root is erotic WISDOM.

Erotic awareness.

Erotic understanding.
I know a lot of you guys envy the buff, oiled Chippendales dancer gyrating in his g-string to the screeches of drunken middle-aged floozies — but trust me, that’s not where it’s at.

Develop yourself INWARDLY. Do NOT attempt to be stereotypical “hot guy.”
It’s best for a man to be fairly physically unremarkable.

“Good looking” guys get JUDGED by their looks all the time.

It’s hard for prettyboys & hunks not to be seen in a superficial manner.

They can get attention, but it’s often not the right kind (or quality) of attention.
How does a man develop his erotic power?

It takes time, it takes experience. It takes patience.

It takes a strong orientation toward learning & growing.

It takes honesty. The refusal to BS yourself in any manner whatsoever.

More than anything, probably, it takes intelligence.
Here’s a truth you might not hear elsewhere:

Dumb guys make lousy lovers.

The erotically powerful man is the man who is sexually savvy, sexually smart, sexually sophisticated.

He’s NOT a Neanderthal. He’s a highly evolved man, who nonetheless is in touch with his PRIMAL roots.
Intelligent guys are often overly “intellectual” —cerebral, nerdish, disconnected from the physical world.

Dumb guys can have a kind of primitiveness about them, which can be sexually appealing in a limited way.

The erotically powerful man is what I call “Primal/Sophisticated.”
Most women will agree:

The great majority of men are complete erotic washouts.

Even (& sometimes especially) the so-called hot guys.

Women typically do not go from one incredibly fulfilling sexual relationship to the other.

Women today are tremendously erotically UNFULFILLED.
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