This is a bad #Brexit deal done by bad people in a bad way. It doesn’t have the public’s explicit informed consent. It bears little relation to Vote Leave’s promises in 2016. I couldn’t vote for it
Of course we must now move forward as a country and, like many, I am fed up with the Brexit process. But that makes it all the more important to call out what has happened: Britons have been misled by bad people into making the greatest strategic error in our modern history
We must learn. The public was had and elected people whose mismanagement of #COVID19 led to the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands; who screwed our country for a generation; & cornered us with lies, manipulation, bullying & brinkmanship. Such people shouldn’t be in power
As for what next: it’s not realistic to expect Johnson & the Conservatives, now the party of the incompetent, the foolish, the corrupt, the elite & the morally weak, who got our country into this unnecessary mess, to lead us out of it. We need an alternative. Time to get stuck in
If you want to be led by decent, competent people, the best thing to do in 2021 is join an opposition party, shape policies that work for real people, stand for public office. Democracy *can* put power into the hands of the people. But only if we all ensure elites don’t abuse it
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