Beauty of North is in it’s diversity. There’s a Christian community in Kebbi State from which 2 brother army generals emerged, one Christian as Army Chief, the other Muslim as NDLEA boss. Would it be nepotism 2 Kukah because they’re brothers, from same state, or as Northerners?
If a IBRAHIM ABDULLAHI from Taraba/Kogi State is given appointment, 1st impression would be here comes “another Muslim” until told he’s Christian by which time stereotyping has set in people’s mind. In the North names can be deceptive. Who would think HASSAN would be a X-tian
John Danfulani is a critic of Buhari Admin, hails from Southern Kaduna. DANFULANI literally means son of Fulani. A southerner may think he’s Fulani but he’s anti-Fulani. Isn’t that contradictory? Gbong Gwon Jos Jacob Gyang bears BUBA, a Fulani name due 2 association with Fulani
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