Many of you will know that today was traditionally a special day each rugby season with a visit to @LeicesterTigers from @Barbarian_FC. Here’s a few late 20th century programmes which may spark some memory neurons firing.
It was often one of the few occasions you got to see Irish and Scottish internationals at Welford Road.
Then they started to come from over the Channel.
It was fairly common to see club or international partnerships in key positions.
A certain Australian pantomime villain started coming over.
Welford Road can’t have seen many better backlines than the 1975 Barbarians at the top of the thread, but 1990 wasn’t bad either.
Oh no Franck Mesnel has dropped out! We’ll just replace him with Jeremy Guscott.
Dave Lougheed making an early Welford Road appearance.
Making room at Christmas for an amateur game in a professional fixture list was a challenge by the millennium.
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