If you're looking for a business to avoid look no further than walmart.
Unless it's your only choice or your best choice, don't bother with them.
Walmarts entire business model is bankrupting small and or rural towns, and they're doing a hell of a job. Thread
Their business model is, move into a small or rural or both town and choke out the local businesses through slashing prices for a little while, long enough for the competition to crumble.
Then employ the people out of a livelihood for pennies and raise their prices back up.
TW: Food
That's been the plan since it's beginning. And it works. Other chains follow suit once a Walmart is in town. First a McDonald's usually, then chain retail stores for clothes and pet stuff and mattresses. Then rentacenters and payday loans set up shop.
TW: Drugs
Then, no local businesses are in town. Maybe a repair shop or two remains, like garages or appliance repairs. And pyramid schemes and ponzi schemes find their sweet home.
Meanwhile the grip of poverty bankrupts the town. Drugs appear. Nothing to do, nowhere to work.
This is how a small town goes from small town americana to hellhole.
Meanwhile the family who owns Walmart, The Waltons, laughs all the way to the bank.
They've exponentially grown over the past few decades, there's no way in hell a boycott will put them out of business.
Just avoid them if possible. If it's not I hold nothing against ya.
We're all struggling, no point in shaming anyone.
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