Arsenal did exactly what Wolves and West Ham did against Chelsea. Part of Lampard's tactics involves the use of "free 8s" to pull opponent's wingers away from our full back's while our wingers occupied opponent's full backs. With the help of our 8s, we created a 3v2 on flanks
As a result, either we had the entire team pinned in the final third (midfielders dropping deep to mark Mount/Kovacic/Kai) and stopped opponents from creating chances, while drawing fouls and corners to win games. Or, the 3v2 drew allowed our fullbacks time on the ball to cross
Last night, occasionally Elneny and Xhaka followed Mount and Kante in their defensive third in second half after they had a comfortable lead and they weren't eager to win back possession but in first half, Arteta instructed Elneny and Xhaka to be available for quick turnovers....
... leaving Kante out-numbered 3 to 1 at times. Which isn't tactically bad for Lampard because he still had a 3v2 advantage on both flanks. However Arteta neutralized this advantage smartly. Saka, Marteneli, Bellerin and Tierney marked...
Werner, Pulisic, James and Chilwell tightly and didn't drift out to stop Mount and Kovacic from getting on the ball. Shots from outside the box was something they gambled on knowing that neither of our attacking 8s can deliver a truly dangerous ball into the box like DeBruyne...
....Silva used to do for Pep (And Arteta) with similar tactics. Mount is getting space to shoot from outside the box and he is getting his key passes tally stronger. However he isn't able to materialize anything.

In second half, CHO was better at stretching the defense
in contrast to first half where Pulisic and Reece James, both occupied half-spaces (which is a tactical blunder - you need atleast 1 player in each vertical zone at all times)

Jorginho also made a difference as he drifted sideways to while Mount/Kante dropped to cover central
spaces as Jorginho poses more of a threat at moving ball quickly and finding passes into the box. And he attracted a lot of markers away to create space for Pulisic and CHO to run into by creating an effective overload.
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