So, the savarna Bengali Bhodroloks who salivate at the name of Tagore, and hail him as a revolutionary, failed to recognize that Tagore was a staunch supporter of Brahmanism, his students at Shantiniketan observed caste hierarchy, they followed a Brahmannical schooling ++
were barred from touching the feet of teachers who were considered inferior to Brahmans, wrote essays like "Brahmon" and "Nababorsho" where he is advocating for Vedic Brahmanism, and supporting caste system, write a play "Chandalika" where the woman belonging to the Oppressed ++
Caste initially believes in her untouchable status and is only redeemed of it by a Brahman. Supported Gandhi initially in his Swadeshi Movement, supported his views regarding untouchability. Believed that the New India project will only benefit from the "varna" system. ++
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