Such a weird thing to lie about. I choose to take it as a character indicator, like Bill Clinton cheating at golf.
I am thinking of Clinton, yes? There was definitely a famous US politician who cheated at golf, and his admirers tried claiming it didn't matter when in fact it was extremely telling.
There are far better reasons to dislike him, it's true. If the Lewinsky scandal happened today, he'd be crucified by #MeToo and rightly so.
He was a good president overall, but I can't call myself an ally of feminism and give his treatment of women a pass. He's not in Trump's league, perhaps, but he's a sleazeball.
It's not just the womanising with Clinton, it's the fact that the objects of it were so often women much younger and much, much less powerful than him. There's also the gross inappropriateness of making passes in the Oval Office itself.
It's not as if he had a discreet affair with a female senator, say. Getting a blowjob behind the Resolute desk from a twentysomething intern you have the power to destroy utterly is just gross however you look at it.
I hope I'm right in thinking the Lewinsky scandal would play out very differently if it happened today. You'd still have party loyalists smearing her as a dizzy young slut, but I don't think you'd have the same wall of silence from official liberal feminism. #MeToo
Not that all feminists were silent, of course, but the major women's groups did circle the wagons around the administration. They had very sound pragmatic reasons for doing so at the time, but the climate has changed a lot since then. #MeToo
You're quite right, of course, but there's more than one scandal on the books involving one or both Clintons, but only one involving Ms Lewinsky, so I went with the nomenclature to avoid confusion.
Not as such, but a relationship can be problematic while falling short of outright assault or coercion. What you have to ask yourself is, how capable was she of saying no, really? She a young intern and he the leader of the free world?
I don't mean to diminish her agency. But if he'd been a Fortune 500 CEO, then I don't think people would have as much trouble seeing how dodgy the whole thing was. #MeToo
She doesn't need to for us to draw our own conclusions. Also, it wasn't just the act itself, it's the way the presidential spin machine assassinated her character afterwards, her life was ruined for years.
#MeToo has never just been about assault per se, it's about men taking sexual advantage in general. I also wouldn't assume she doesn't see herself as a victim, as I say, her life was ruined, it was a long time before she could get another job.
Just ask yourself: how would you feel if it were a Republican president doing exactly the same things? I think that if most of us are honest with ourselves, we know what the answer would be.
It's also not just Monica Lewinsky, of course. There are far more clear-cut allegations against Clinton, including one of violent rape, cynically exploited though it was by Republicans.
Your concern for "real victims" is touching. But she wasn't just "more junior", the power imbalance was about as extreme as it could be. I think most women know what I mean when I call his behaviour sleazy at the least.
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