Seeing that a 2020 review will only bring hurtful memories, let's rather indulge in a short thread on phenomenal natural moments of 2020. Time person of the year should undoubtedly be Nature 🌕🌠🥇🏆 [A Thread] #sundayvibes #SundayFeels #SundayMorning #SaturnJupiterConjunction
13 January - Lava and broad columns of ash illuminated by lightning shot from an erupting volcano south of the Philippine capital on Monday, grounding hundreds of flights amid an alert for a possible "explosive eruption". Source:
4 May - Comet SWAN - The newly discovered Comet Swan, officially known as C/2020 F8 (SWAN), was captured on telescope and camera in the Cederberg, South Africa. Picture: Heine Wieben Rasmussen. This was awesome to watch. Source: IOL travel
31 October - Blue moon - which happened to take place during Halloween, was the second full moon of the calendar month. A rare and spectacular phenomenon. The last time we had a second full moon in a single calendar month – was March 31, 2018. Source:,come%20on%20October%2031%2C%202020.
Effects of the #Covid19 lockdown due to the global Corona Virus had a huge positive impact on nature. Insider brought us this awesome thread:
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