Guys, I don’t think I’ve ever lived in a safer and more efficient country than China. Here’s what happened last night when my friend lost her phone [THREAD];
So we went out last night and left the club around 4am. My friend forgot her phone in a cab (your phone in China is your life because everything requires you to electronically scan to pay, get on the trains etc). We immediately go to the police station
When we get to the station it’s 6am. The police pull out the video footage of us leaving the club and try to locate the driver. We call the phone and the driver has now turned it off. The police tell us to wait, they will find him.
In less than 3 hours they locate the cab driver! Btw this is a city of 13 million people... how do you even locate someone’s exact location in 3 hrs!!! 😱 They bring him to the station for questioning because he switched off the phone and didn’t report the incident.
Around 9:00am we get the phone
and the police apologize for keeping us waiting and not working fast 😂😂🤣 ummmm what?! But the cab driver remained detained at the station because the police said if he had intentions of returning the phone, he would have not switched it off
Honestly if I lose a phone anywhere else I just write it off but things are really different here! It’s one of the things I truly love about Shenzhen! Safety and efficiency!!
Since this blew up, let me plug myself: please follow me on IG: 
You can follow @Riri_Roundy.
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