Mdu & his team had major exposés RE #Draxgate but you never find them strutting around all cocky & trying to patronize others.
In fact they have done amazing stuff exposing Zanu PF misrule which is not just about Drax & corruption.

Difference is they know that it’s a duty 👊🏾👊🏾
Meanwhile, people shouldn’t turn around, try weaponize MDC (leadership) endorsement of the coup and make it like it was the same as their GIVE ED A CHANCE mantra that saw them frothing at the mouth & going on frenzied attacks & blocking of whoever dared challenge the madness here
As it is some of us are not even convinced about the genuineness of all this newly-found patriotism & desire to fight the scourge that’s Zanu PF misrule.
Some of us still question the motivation.
Some of us question if it’s truly out of conviction or frustration
In fact, some of us actually don’t doubt the veracity of that damning allegation about who did what after those January 2018 (fuel-price hike) protests and subsequent atrocities & terroristic attacks on citizens.

Some of us hear things.
But for the sake of the struggle, we THUL
And then the fanatics come here on a, ‘They don’t want criticism, they will never win 2023 & Zanu PF will rule forever’ note.
You are not spiting anyone with that bullshit darlings, we are in this shit together. Us with with our CCCness and you with your punk ass wokeness
Go ahead & make heroes out of some of your dubious idols. Just don’t be daft.

The MDC may lose 2023, that’s how probability works. They may also win.
But they won’t lose just coz you say so. And just coz you get angry when your favorite is called out.

It doesn’t work like that
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