#sssnippetaday inspired by Bridgerton. A Thread:

Lady Senju’s ward, Miss Haruno has been the talk of the town since her debut in high society.
Her Majesty, the Queen spoke of her with high regard when she presented herself at the royal court and was deemed as the blooming cherry blossom of this season.
And as the darling of high society, it is no doubt that Miss Sakura would capture the piercing gaze of the young Duke Uchiha who just claimed the ducal seat after his elder brother abdicated and passed down the title to his younger brother, Sasuke.
Word has it that the new duke is in search for a bride.

Ambitious mamas flocked His Grace to introduce their daughters in a bid to have them wed to the Uchiha fortune but, luck was not on their side for the duke harbors romantic adoration for Miss Haruno.
The pair was seen a couple of times strolling around Indra Square and they appear to be enjoying each other’s company.

One can only hope that a proposal is right around the corner!
Except no proposal was heard of weeks after all of Konoha’s high society has seen them courting publicly.
Now, at Viscount Hyuga’s ball, Miss Haruno appears to be available for dancing much to the glee of the debutantes who are still hoping to snag the biggest prize of this season.

No ring means that the duke remains eligible at the marriage market
Miss Haruno made quite an entrance, and her mere presence was enough to capture the eyes of every eligible bachelor in the ballroom.
Amongst all the feathery ornaments on the pretty heads of every debutante, Miss Haruno’s intricately styled hair and simple ball gown stood out the most, leaving the rest of the attendees looking like wall decors.
“Miss Haruno, I simply must have your first dance.”

Prince Gaara, a dear friend of Prince Naruto, and is first-in-line to the Sunagakure throne was quick to ask the belle of the ball for a dance.
“It would be an honor, Your Highness.” She curtsied and let the dashing prince lead her to the dance floor.

There is no mistaking that the Royal Prince from Suna was smitten by the beauty of this season’s blooming cherry blossom.
“She would make a fine princess, don’t you think so, Your Grace?”

When it comes to the debutante season, Queen Kushina looks forward to betting on matches or setting it up herself.

The royal life can be quite dull sometimes and Her Majesty needs a fine piece of entertainment
“I believe so, Your Majesty.” Said the Dowager Duchess Uchiha, who looks rather displeased while her gaze is fixated on the handsome couple waltzing and charming everyone at the ball.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting that response.” the Queen chuckled. “I hear that your boy, His Grace has taken a liking to our finest debutante this year.”
It is true that her son and Miss Haruno had been quite affectionate, but it seemed to have stopped when Sasuke made a mistake which regrettably pushed the pink-haired beauty to entertain other suitors, like the prince.
“Sasuke would like to sort the affairs of the estate before securing a marriage.”

“It’s a pity that Miss Haruno could not wait for your dear boy to sort out his affairs, just look at how she’s charmed the prince!”
The marriage market can be quite scarce and sometimes unfair, but Miss Haruno proved that it can be quite unfair too.
Dashing eligible men who can afford much fineries and jewels all flocked to Lady Senju’s drawing room in hopes to snag the most sought out trophy for this season, leaving the rest of the debutantes competing for the affection of gentlemen with less handsome features.
And now that marriage seems likely to happen between Miss Haruno and her red-haired prince, it looks like Lord Sasuke would be joining the ranks of men who failed to romance the season’s cherry blossom.
As far as this game goes, it’s not unreasonable! Why should Miss Haruno settle for a duke, when she can wed a prince?
The news about Prince Gaara and Miss Haruno's courtship has been the talk of the ton recently, and as they promenade along Indra Square, envious gazes followed them around.

One particular duke however, looked rather displeased at the sight of Miss Haruno and her prince charming
In fact, he has been quite brooding ever since Miss Haruno started entertaining other suitors.

"Sasuke, dear, shouldn't you be in your little club instead of scaring everyone in the park with your glares?"

"I promised to accompany you for a stroll" the miserable duke replied.
The Dowager Duchess dropped the subject and let her forlorn son be.

With his current countenance, Lady Mikoto fears that her dear son will remain a bachelor forever — and she cannot let it happen.
While strolling along the vast gardens of Indra Square, the foreign prince looks like he's about to ask an important question.

"Miss Haruno, I know it's early for us to talk about marriage, but I must let you know that in the short time we've spent, I have been happy."
Normally, a lady of her station would leap from joy as the much awaited marriage proposal is just within her reach but, Miss Haruno feels the opposite.

"I would be forever grateful if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife."

The prince got down on one knee.
Before her was the most beautiful ring that she has laid her eyes on.

"Don't keep the prince waiting, Sakura" Miss Shizune, Lady Senju's most trusted confidante was her chaperone today.

"I...I—" The look on the prince's face tells her that he's expecting for her to say yes
But her heart tells her that she cannot marry the prince because it beats only for a certain duke who's unable to return her affection.

"Could you please give me time to think, Your Highness?"

As much as she wants to marry for love, she has to play her cards right.
Lord Sasuke may be the man who holds her heart, but Prince Gaara could give her more.

And who knows? She might learn to love him in the future.

In this time and age, marrying for love is nothing but a girl's fantasy.
She's no longer a girl who believes in fairytales for she is now a lady who must do what it takes to secure her future.

Even if it means throwing away her love.
By the time she returned home, Lady Tsunade immediately called her in the drawing room.

Maybe word about the prince's proposal has reached her and she will persuade the young miss to accept it.

"I have received a dinner invitation from the dowager duchess."
"Oh, she must have heard about the prince's proposal" Sakura poured herself a cup of tea.

Lady Tsunade however, was unfazed by her niece's declaration.

"Do you intend to marry the prince?" of all people, Lady Tsunade believes that a lady must marry for love.
Hence, she's spending her days as a spinster after her lover died twenty years ago.

Lady Senju believes in love the most, apart from allowing ladies to choose freely without much constraint from society.

"His Highness can provide for me well enough, dear aunt."
"Do you love him?"

Sakura was taken aback from her aunt's question. She wasn't expecting that her ladyship would care for love above all things!

"Does it matter, my lady? I have been taught all my life that I must think of securing my future over anything else including love"
"Have you accepted it, then?"

"No, I—I haven't"

Lady Tsunade sighed in relief.

It looks like the duke still has a chance to woo her niece and fix his mistakes.

Why must he be like his father who's quite hopeless in expressing his true feelings?
The Dowager Duchess welcomed Lady Senju and her niece with a warm smile.

Lady Uchiha prepared a formal dinner for her guests.

While the two elderly women chatted about the latest gossips in Konoha, the esteemed Duke was left to escort Miss Haruno to the dining hall.
"Miss Haruno, you must tell us how the Prince proposed to you!" The Dowager Duchess eagerly said, leaving her son astonished.

How could she be excited when the rumors surrounding Miss Haruno and the Prince have been the cause of the Duke's headache for the past few days?
"His Highness was a perfect gentleman, Your Grace." The pinkette answered coyly.

"Ah! Have you accepted his proposal?"

"I haven't, Your Grace."

This time, Lady Uchiha couldn't help herself from letting out a triumphant squeak.
The dashing Duke secretly glanced on the young miss seated beside him who was quite red on the face.

"Wise girl, wise girl indeed!" said the dowager duchess in glee.

Lord Sasuke couldn't help but feel relieved after hearing that Sakura has yet to accept the prince's proposal.
A part of him tells him that he has a fighting chance to declare how much he feels for her.

But if Sakura tells him that her affections for him has turned astray, he shall accept it and try his best to be happy for her should she marry the prince.

Even if it breaks his heart.
After retiring to her bedchamber, Sakura could not sleep a wink.

She was expecting for his lordship to protest or even express his displeasure over the talks about Prince Gaara's marriage proposal to her.

Instead, he just sat there while his mama asked about the prince.
Does she not mean anything to him at all?

This night could have been his last chance to stop her, but it seems that the duke hardly felt anything for her.

So now, she must marry the prince and forget about what has transpired between them and move on from her childish fantasy
Sasuke will never love her, no matter how hard she worked to be a beautiful accomplished woman that she is today.
Getting tired of constantly tossing and turning, Sakura quickly dressed and quietly slipped out of the house.

She could only think of one place to go where she can quietly think about the answer that she's going to give to the prince later.
Should she say yes, she shall be crowned as princess and live the rest of her life with all the fineries and luxuries that royalty can give.

But should she refuse, she would probably end up a spinster like her aunt.

Who could possibly want a lady who's hard to please?
She found her way to the old gazebo where she and Sasuke used to play pretend before he was sent to a boarding school in Oto.

He used to tell her that someday they will marry and move to one of his family's estates in the countryside.

And she held on to that promise.
Sadly, his promises seemed to be left forgotten when out of nowhere, he pushed her away and called her feelings "annoying".

He wasn't to be blamed for everything though, because she misread his actions and thought that he sees her romantically.

But she was mistaken.
His intentions are merely to "protect" her from dishonorable men who will just take advantage of her innocence.

Sakura smiled bitterly at the thought that they could have been something more.

Maybe not in this lifetime.
When morning finally came, the servants seemed preoccupied with the latest issue of the Daily Herald which is quite baffling.

With all the things that must be done in the Senju household, there is little time left for the servants to care about the morning paper.
Unless...something notable happened.

Sakura quickly asked for a copy of the Daily Herald from Miss Shizune.

"Duke of Nanmoku to Settle the Score with the Crown Prince of Sunagakure"

Sakura didn't think twice and asked the servants to prepare her horse.
How could Sasuke be stupid? Apparently, he was the one who drunkenly challenged the prince into a duel.

His reason? No one is certain.

And so, half of the members of the gentry are gathered today in the duelling ground to witness "the squabble of the decade"
Some are even putting their bets on the table!

The two men are ready to fire their pistols when a pink-haired maiden rode her horse right in the middle of the duelling men.

"Sakura!" the Duke exclaimed when the fair maiden fell off her horse.
"I am perfectly fine!"

Miss Haruno stood up on her own while throwing deathly glares at the two men who were about to stupidly kill themselves.

"Sakura I—" Before the duke could utter another word, he was met with a slap on his cheek

"How could you be so stupid?" she fumed
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