i feel like people don't consider ocd neurodivergent. people with ocd ARE neurodivergent hello???? anyways, here is a thread on ocd to educate yourself, from a person with ocd(: !!!
disclaimer: english is my second language so please excuse me if my english is bad! also feel free to retweet this thread. now lets continue.
what is ocd? -
ocd stands for obsessvie comuplsive disorder. it is when you have intrusive thoughts that aren't similar to neurotypical peoples thoughts. these thoughts make you do things that you don't wanna do, and in fact you cannot control them at all.
things to remember about people with ocd!
-not everyone experiences the same tics/symptoms
-intrusive thoughts do not equal normal thoughts.
not all people with ocd experience the same tics! everyone has their own .. for example, not everyone with ocd has to wash their hands a number of times. it does not mean it's not a tic though!! there are numbers of tics out there.
here are some of the types of tics/symptoms that happen. remember, theres loads and loads of more and it is not just these ones! and not everyone with ocd has these ones.
those tics/symptoms can be ANYTHING! how to know if its a tic is if it includes the ocd cycle .. here is a chart of the cycle that happens within every trigger:
people with ocd have triggers that cause them for a mental breakdown/ aggressive outcome. pls dont feel bad for however you are feeling and take your time!
people can also trigger your tics by doing something that neurotypicals don't find so alarming..please dont feel bad if you did not mean to trigger someone if it was not on purpose.most of the time people dont do it on purpose or realize theyre doing it,but some do,which is bad!
intrusive thoughts do not equal normal thoughts. FOR EXAMPLE: a person could be chewing onto something and some neurotypical would think 'oh that sound is bothering me but its fine.'and brush it off as like nothing, but a person with ocd will get really anxious about it for long.
i'd also like to make it clear that not everyone SHOWS their breakdown (like crying or anything) and that it goes on in their head, basically they will hide their symptoms/their bad feeling. i dont know how else to explain i hope you understand!
basically just because we don't have a negative outcome publicly it does not mean we do not have ocd and that its not bad.
now i'd like to speak on the harmful stereotypes. people have been using ocd as an adjective to describe when they're mad about something not looking so equal... for example people have been saying 'ugh im so ocd' 'i have ocd because im clean' 'this [anything] is giving me ocd!'
ocd isn't a adjective. ocd doesn't mean your room is clean. ocd is a mental disorder that should be taken seriously. stop the harmful stereotypes! read this chart. ocd is so much more than just 'having a clean room'. in fact, it probably just isn't having a clean room.
thank you for reading, have a nice day/night! i am so sorry if i forgot to add anything! please inform me and i will add it to the thread thank you so much. if you have any questions pls let me know ..
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