making fun of people for being offended at everything is almost as annoying as people that are offended by everything.
having pronouns in your bio is fine. not something completely necessary (especially if you don’t care). also not really a reason to point and laugh at someone. it’s just boring and lame
this is probably my biggest frustration. how is that a genuine criticism???“LMFAO they want to be addressed a certain way. nah bruh💀💀💀💀 point and laugh everyone, they have their preferred pronouns in their bio.”
it’s like when people said “you have an anime avi, your opinion isn’t valid” and were actually serious. it’s the same losers
this community is so homophobic/transphobic and i don’t like to say that often because it’s usually an exaggeration but in this case it’s absolutely not. you’re a fucking loser if you care about how someone else lives. it doesn’t affect anyone. especially you. fucking loser.
also just blatant unfunny racism
also the nerds that care far too much if someone has an onlyfans. god forbid someone is proud of their body and shows it off for money. especially during a pandemic where millions of people are out of jobs
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