Much has been said about 3 days drama in MH with Ajit Pawar. Many blame DF for trusting AP. But few questions remained to be answered :
1. Let us assume that DF is a fool to trust AP. Then why did Amit Shah trust him & revoked PR just on the basis of his letter of support.
Is Amit Shah also a fool?
2. If BJP really wanted to break NCP, bring AP to their camp & form govt, then why didn't they keep AP & his supporter MLAs at some unknown location. AP was at his home & all NCP leaders like Chagan Bhujbal, Jayant Patil & Supriya Sule's husband..
.. Sadanand Sule were meeting him. During Operation Lotus in KN & MP, BJP kept the MLAs of congress at some unknown location. Why didn't they do it in MH?
3. Forget abt AP. BJP didn't even keep their own MLAs together at some hotel. Till the time majority is proven,..
.. political parties keep their MLAs together in some other state. During MP operation lotus, BJP had kepts it's own MLAs in Haryana I guess. But in MH, Cong, SS & NCP had kept their own MLAs in a hotel while BJP MLAs were free. Why so? Is BJP so naïve?
4. After DF resigned on 3rd day, neither he nor AP blamed each other. AP or any senior NCP leader hasn't even mentioned about that 3 day drama till today. While during lockdown, DF said that since SC gave decision against us, we couldn't form govt.
But neither DF ever blamed AP for betrayal, nor AP or any senior leader mocked DF about how they fooled him. Why?
All these things point out that BJP never wanted to form govt with AP. Then what they exactly wanted? What actually they achieved with 3 days drama?
I will put my POV on it only after this govt falls. Remember Pawar had met Modi on 21st Nov by giving reason of talking abt Wet Drought in MH? Later Amit Shah & Nirmala Tai also joined? Answer is in that meeting. Just don't trust Conspiracy Theorist like Sameet.
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