The Leeds Hangover. Teams points per games before and after playing #lufc a thread.
1/ One of the hall marks of the first 2 season under Bielsa was "The Leeds hangover" - opposition form after playing Leeds significantly dropped. Has it translated to the Premier League?
2/ First up was Liverpool. Their pre-Leeds ppg was 2.2. After Leeds form: WWLDW. Sounds good? They scraped wins against Sheff Utd and Arsenal, got a narrow win vs 10 man chelsea and scraped a draw vs 10 men Everton. Oh and lost 7-2 to Villa..
3/ Next came Fulham. Post Leeds LLDLW. They managed a point against Sheff Utd and 5 games later had recovered enough to beat lowly West Brom.
4/ Sheff Utd, have been terrible, and we can't really blame Leeds but 1 draw in the next 5, and only versus Fulham, doesn't suggest they were immune to Leeds hangover either.
5/ Man City. The second "big 6" team this season. Their form after Leeds: WDWL. Again this sounds decent, but those wins were 1-0 affairs against, you guessed it: Arsenal and Sheff Utd. Not the Pep side we know.
6/ Wolves. An unfortunate deflection allowed Wolves to beat us but how did they do after? DWLDW. Again this sounds OK, but their victories came against 10 man Crystal Palace, and a 2-1 scrappy victory against? You guessed it, there's a theme here: woeful Arsenal.
7/ Villa. After Hatrick Bamgod took them to task at Villa Park, it was a terrible hangover for Aston Villa. LWLLL. If you guessed their win came against Arsenal, you were right.
8/ Leicester. After we gifted them several goals in one of our worst performances of the season so far how have Leicester been? WLLWW. A scrappy 1-0 win vs Wolves, a 2-1 against Sheff Utd but they easily beat a poor Brighton side 3-0. Hardly the Leicester that turned up at ER tho
9/ Palace. Since smashing us 4-1 by having magnets in the goals. Palace have not really recovered. Their form went LLWDD. They beat 10 men West Brom, followed by anti-football 1-1 draws vs West Ham and Spurs. Yikes.
10/ Arsenal. Oh dear. This time Arsenal put magnets in, but to repel the ball. Their form since that game? LLLDL. Their only point a 1-1 draw vs Southampton. Their points per game before Leeds: 1, After: 0.2. Ouch.
11/ Everton. There's an exception to every rule and here they are. Leeds ran the most when they were hungover vs Derby, seems that Everton are a kindred spirit. DWWWW. Tho scraping a 2-1 win vs (you guessed it) Arsenal and a 1-0 vs Sheff Utd might have something to do with it.
12/ Chelsea. Frank had his moment in the sun against Leeds. But the Leeds hangover has bitten him again. LLWL. 3-0 vs a faltering and lacklustre West Ham the only highlight since beating Leeds. The team that played Arsenal Jekyl&Hyde to the hard work they showed to beat us.
13/ West Ham, Newcastle and Man Utd are yet to play at least 4 games after playing us, so no conclusions can be drawn yet. But in their 5 games combined it's DL DL D.
14/ Only Man City and Leicester have won the game after playing #lufc (both 1-0 vs Arsenal and Wolves). In the immediate game after it's P14 W2 D5 L6. 11 points from a possible 42. The Leeds Hangover is back.
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