This thread is full of great LOOKS full of MEANING but I do appreciate that there are some classics in here. Young Gregory Peck in Sabrina I mean come on.
Also Harry Connick Jr who I genuinely don't understand how he didn't end up in more stuff - he is ridiculously good looking, charming, funny, not a bad actor, and he can sing like Sinatra and is an amazing musician.
One of my favorite movies (truly the first romcom), It Happened One Night. Hijinks ensue! Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable have to share a hotel room with a sheet curtain between them! He takes off his shirt! The balance between sexual tension and comedy is superb.
If you only know Rex Harrison from Dr Doolittle and My Fair Lady you're missing out. In the Ghost and Mrs. Muir he is the ghost of a sea captain who falls in love with Gene Tierney's widow. They used to call him "Sexy Rexy" and it's easy to see why.
How Bogart looked at Bacall in everything - but especially in their first 3 movies.
I mean Paul Newman in anything but the way he looks at Joanne Woodward is #goals
On a slightly different note, how Robert Mitchum and Jane Greer look at each other in Out of the Past - like they hate each other, love each other, and want to make mad, passionate love to each other, simultaneously. The femme fatale/bad bitch energy is great.
The way Brando's character in On the Waterfront looks Eva Marie Saint's character - like he is still a big, dumb palooka who coulda been a contenda but it's like a light comes on inside of him when he starts to fall in love w/her.
Gene Kelly is forever a charming Irish mf'er who can sell it whenever and wherever - but he's extra cute in one of his first movie roles in For Me and My Gal w/Judy Garland.
The way Jack Lemmon looks at Shirley MacLaine in The Apartment 😍
I know everyone goes for the Paul Henreid "don't let's ask for the moon" scene from Now Voyager but I think Bette should've ended up with Dr. Jacquith
Montgomery Clift, looking into Liz Taylor's eyes and generally being a sad, beautiful boy in A Place in the Sun.
it is going to forever bother me that I said the first gif is Sabrina when it is Roman Holiday, a movie I own the DVD of.
Myrna Loy and William Powell don't really do swoony but I love the way they play off each other in The Thin Man.
oh my GOD the end of North & South every damn time.
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