#Thread #ExpressInvestigation

20 years on, where are the Board toppers? @KhurafatiChopra
tracked down 86 men and women who stood first in India, between 1996 and 2015, in their Class 10 and 12 exams.

One’s a cancer physician in New York; another is a PhD fellow at MIT; one is a Harvard professor; one a hedge fund manager in Singapore — and as many as 11 are working for Google.

Janaki Sheth, who left for the US for a PhD in Physics, says Six to seven years ago, scientific research was not very well-funded in India. So while I had some invaluable experiences at IIT, it was not sufficient for a PhD.

Mohammad Ismat, 29, from Imphal, Manipur, topped the Class 12 CBSE exam in 2012. Ismat, who says his teacher paid his Board examination fee since his family couldn’t afford it, went on to study BSc (Honours) Physics at Delhi’s St. Stephen’s College.

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