I have missed most of the Black Metal records this year,specially in H1 when i was fucked up a lot..but eventually i had to return to my trvest love,my sacred light beyond the eternal night..these are some of the songs that reminded me again & again why BM is so special..❄🖤🔥

Déhà-Thanatos and the sea..

Olmo Lipani..🖤🖤🖤..he delivered so many amazing music again this year but this track is beyond special..tearful,hopeless,hateful..

UADA-BetweenTwo Worlds..

Ahahahah.."Mgla clone","got no riffs"..well fuck off kindly with your "riffs"..No place here-This song is the best 4 songs run in the history of Black Metal in my not so humble opinion..that ending solo..fuckkkkk..🖤🔥🖤

Ruadh-Only distant echoes reign

Winterfylleth & Fellwarden painted the special UK folksy atmospheric BM landscape with monumental records again,but don't forget that Tom Perrett delivered an amazing follow-up to "Sovereign" from last year..


I will never get tired of minimalist,raw,icy Black Metal in a lethargic funeral tempo..❄🖤❄

Sulfure-Endémie chthonienne

Another glorious new inclusion to the glorious Quebec BM scene featuring members of Délétère & a few others..the D-beat passage with that hypnotic atmosphere from around 2:16 of this song is what Quebec BM is all about..🔥

Malist-Land of the bewitched

Russians always do AtmosphericBM quite well & this album was another proof..another solid release from Ovfrost..grandiose & transcending..the 2nd half of this song is pretty special..

Lamp of Murmuur-A Burning Spear To The Heart Of Dawn (Part II)

Lots of talk about "Heir of Ecliptical Romanticism" but this was the more special release to me..raw,primal,suffocating..

Ovnev-Eons of Origin

quite a special AtmosphericBM record & one of many great USBM records this year..& the concept behind this album is pretty fascinating too..

YGG-Мертвые топи

YGG kicked off a pretty fucking special year for UkrainianBM with a special comeback after 9 years..that Vargan intro was a bit too long for me but after that..that motif riff resembling EiF VI...loveeeee..❄

HATE FOREST-Anxiously They Sleep In Tumuli

Speaking about Ukrainian BM,one of the defining acts of that scene ended the year with a monumental return after 16 years..East European icy hateful BM at its' finest..PRIMORDIAL BARBARIC WRATH..❄🔥❄
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