Today is 1st day of #Kwanzaa --a racist holiday form hell! It was created by Ron Karenga, a felon & Marxist, to separate blacks from America & Christianity. I was on Tucker's show (MSNBC, circa 2006) discussing this godless holiday (1/3)

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#Kwanzaa was created by Ron Karenga, a felon & Marxist, to separate blacks from America & Christianity. I was on Tucker's show (MSNBC, circa 2006) discussing this godless holiday (2/3) #MerryChristmas
#Kwanzaa encourages hatred toward Whites, Christians & Jews. It’s a godless holiday designed to separate blacks from America & Christianity. I was on Tucker's show (MSNBC, circa 2006) discussing this godless holiday (3/3) #MerryChristmas  

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