I have a lot of thoughts about Molly Conger in light of recent tweets & the justifiable outrage from many of my fellow Jews. But the key issue comes down to which is true:

1) The unlikely scenario where Conger really could’ve prevented the Tree of Life synagogue massacre by reporting Robert Bowers, which would make her partially responsible.
Or 2) the more likely scenario where Conger couldn’t have reasonably foreseen or stopped the massacre, in which case her tweet unnecessarily & publicly uses Jewish trauma as a prop for her own emotional processing of guilt, shame, regret, doubt, etc.
I think Conger has done good work fighting bigotry. That doesn’t mean she can't make mistakes like this, & part of being an ally or accomplice is having the courage to sit with the discomfort of your failures in order to learn from them & do better in the future.
Her tweet was inappropriate, triggering wholly rational fears that Jews carry every day about our safety, that served no purpose other than performative.
But the real twist is when hordes of alleged Antifa fanboys came caping with their knuckle-dragging outrage, because Jews dared criticize the third rail/sacred cow which is White women.
There is no one put higher on a pedestal than White women in America & it really showed with a greatest hits list of antisemitic bile Jewitter is seeing.
Jews were asked to submit their credentials, resumes, & other arbitrary proof that they even had the right to speak on a topic about our own oppression!
Like, for Jews our existence *is* resistance. We don't need to do or prove anything to goyishe assholes because the existence of antisemitism isn't our fault & ending it isn't our responsibility. But when we speak about it, if consider yourself a friend, then you need to listen.
For myself, I've been punching Nazis as a mitzvah since elementary school. I've been doxxed, harassed, abused, discriminated, assaulted, my home & synagogue vandalized, bomb threats to my school, my employers contacted, & so much more besides.
Who by? Neo-Nazis, White nationalists, White supremacists, Klansmen, Aryan Brotherhood, Proud Boys, Christian & Islamic fundamentalists, sovereign citizen types, Black Hebrew Israelites, Crew 38, & other random bigots.
Even if none of that happened, I still wouldn't be as culpable or complicit as even the most compassionate Shabbos goy. The same holds true for every Jew (so please spare me by trotting out tokens like Miller or Kushner) & the sooner people realize that, the better off we'll be.
But this problem is by no means unique to Jews. We see this with White saviors & Black people, cishet supporters & queer communities, etc. Indeed, I wish solidarity was easier to forge given how much we have in common with other groups whose natural "allies" regularly fail them.
Which is why it's unsurprising to see the vitriol in response to legitimate Jewish grievances about this. Because of course people would embrace toxicity rather than reflection. Because antisemitism is easier than understanding.
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