#socialwork programs that truly want to be antiracist need to take a critical self-reflective look. #SocialWorkTwitter

This article matches so much of my thoughts of the school of social work where I last worked. 1/2
This could also say that those doing change work are targets of retaliation and/or fear potential retaliation; are given the task of doing this work, but then gaslit for doing it “incorrectly”; and are told to make recommendations that are then not supported. 2/2
Adding this third post because this piece is so good. Operationalizing Racial Justice in Non-Profit Organizations by Maggie Potapchuk, MP Associates http://www.mpassociates.us/uploads/3/7/1/0/37103967/operationalizing_racial_justice_-_np_edition._mpassociates._final_draft_aug_20.pdf
I think what often happens is some people want racial justice while others want DEI but not anything to really challenge whiteness (yes it sounds absurd but it happens) and if leadership doesn’t support racial justice, it’s a big setup/trap for those who do.
Rather than water down change efforts to appease colleagues who are (often unknowingly) entrenched in whiteness & status quo, programs need to involve students & the community. Create an accountability process. Involve them in the change process. Compensate them.
All of this is part of what could be a liberatory learning process and real social work. Of course, leadership has to be willing and to stay true to the work, especially when more powerful forces (senior colleagues, higher admins) push back.
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