my 1 piece of advice is that, whatever it is u think you want to do, do not take *anything* seriously

making money, changing the world, being hot — all easier if u see the world as it really is; chaotic, dumb, uncertain, instead of thru w/e pmc prism ur fed in elite kindergarten
anyone who wants you to perform ‘seriousness’ is a narc and should be avoided - don’t let them gate keep you into trading off your curiosity + creativity for predictability, unless u genuinely want to be a cog
i’ve seen the best minds of my generation fall for the most transparent shit - the bait is that they’ve been specially selected to Make A Difference; the switch is the empty nihilism of incrementalism (“my PhD in climate ethics is helping”)
why is this transparent? bc any mfer with a linkedin page and a grad date 5 years ahead of you is proof that w/e your Special Gift is, you can do whatever you want as long as it’s management consulting lmao
ankur gets it
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